Friday, December 16, 2016

Oh, the Places You'll Go!

This is the story all about how my life got flip-turned upside down... lolll

          Fresh out of the money-making machine, I am clean, I am fresh, I'm the dollar you like the best!!! Today will be a good day. I start my journey into the world by first being packaged into an envelope and sent in an armored truck, to the nearest bank. I settle next to my brothers and sisters and prepare to be put into circulation. I am warm and comfortable. I'm tired and I begin to fall asleep. I dreamt of the places I'd go. I could travel to a casino, end up at a theme park, and maybe even in the pocket of a child. I wake up and it is Tuesday. I am brought out of my envelope and I know it is time to go. I dig my way past my brothers and sisters, to see the world around us. It's not the world; we're in a vault. Hours pass and finally our time has come; the banker has brought us out of the vault and into the deposit and withdrawal area. I hear a woman say that she needs to withdraw $150 dollars; five of those, in ones. The excitement increased since I was at the top of the stack. The banker picks me up and I am placed into Diane's hands. The journey begins. I heard Diane say, "Oh, I know what I am going to do with all this cash!!" First things first, we stop at a Starbucks and I am passed from Diane's pocket into the worker's register. I am partly worth a venti Vanilla Bean 
frappuccino with extra caramel. 

          From the cashier's register, I am given as change for a $10 bill. Franklin takes me home and places me under his son's pillow, since he has lost a tooth. I sleep for the night and wonder where Billy will take me in the morning. It is Wednesday now and Billy finds me under his pillow as he wakes up. There is so much joy on his face that it makes me happy and warm. Although it is a cool day, Billy and his father, Franklin, end up at the ice cream parlor. Since Billy was so excited to pay for his ice cream with his own money, the ice cream man decides that he will give Billy his ice cream, "on the house." Billy and Franklin sit down to finish each of their favorite ice cream. I sit in Billy's pocket, in wonder at the ice cream man's generosity. Billy and Franklin finish their ice cream and we are on the move again. Outside of the ice cream parlor, I hear Billy ask Franklin if he can give his dollar to the man sitting and sleeping on floor. I don't see the man yet, but I know that he may be homeless. Billy hands me to the man and I am unsure of what will happen to me next. The man is so happy that he promises to save me for another time. We sleep. It's Thursday. I'm somewhere in dark, crumpled heap. I hear people walking and I'm cold. I feel defeated. I am defeated. He grabs me. What am I? I remember. I am a dollar bill. Where will I go today? For the majority of the day, I stay inside the homeless man's pocket, but there comes an even greater obsession. I am traded, with other bills, from the man's pocket, for some substances. These substances must have been worth it because as the man left me, he seemed increasingly energized. I am now in the hands of Richard, the drug dealer. On Friday, Richard and I go to the bank. I wonder if I will be put into savings, and that is exactly what happens. I am back at the bank, ready for another person to use. I think that it will be a long time before I begin a new adventure, however, Carla is starting her savings account and withdraws $50 dollars, 5 of those, in ones. I am in a pocket once more and the journey begins again.

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