Friday, September 26, 2014

10 Things I Learned Over The Past Year

     So, most of this stuff is going to be pretty lame, but this is really what I have learned in the past year. Even though some of it sounds cliche, it's the truth and I am owning up to it.

  1. Being yourself is really important.
  2. You really CAN'T buy love.(It wasn't me that tried... Just clarifying.)
  3. Cherish the moments you have with your family, because one day everything can change.
  4. Never take the life you live for granted, people aren't as fortunate as you.
  5. Don't leave your cabinets open when you have a kitten running around the house. (She's a little turd!)
  6. It's good to read. Once you find a type of book you like, READ IT! (I get so hooked on books, I forget that I have to eat. It's bad.)
  7. Have fun! Try to make the things you do, fun because there will be times where you wish you were having fun right then. 
  8. When trying to make a weird face at the camera on the log ride at Knott's, make sure to tell your sister to move her head to the side a little bit. (She blocked my whole face. -.-)
  9. If your little sibling won't listen to you, you can bribe them with candy or playing time and then they'll think the situation over.
  10. The past is hard to forget, sometimes you'll remember the bad things and sometimes you'll remember the amazing things. But, never forget where you came from and who you are, it's one of the best things to do.


  1. I like your blog especially because of what you said on trying to have fun and enjoying the little things. Your right about not taking things for granted and spending time with family because their all you got and its important.

  2. nice work! you have lots of inspirational things going on in your summer and i also agree with number 9 although that could turn out to be a bit expensive in the long run XD

  3. I can relate to number nine and I like the way you ended the post, with a positive message. Good job!
