Monday, November 28, 2016

Would You Rather....

Would You Rather…
have the power of invisibility OR flight

Pros of The Power of Invisibility

  • People can’t see you!!!
  • You can turn it off (I think), like choose when you want to be nosy ;)))
  • You can go anywhere and see whatever you want ;))), FOR FREEEEEE!! LIKE MOVIE SKIPPING!!! xD or FLYING AROUND THE WORLD!! I’d always be doing something fun. I’d go visible so I could take a picture, then go invisible again lol.
  • You can go to class and people can’t see when you look like a bum
  • You can totally creep people out like all of the time, like, “where’d they go???” or for Halloween, be spooky!!!
  • You can observe nature in its undisturbed state
  • You could replace Violet, from The Incredibles
  • You can do embarrassing things in public if you wanted
  • Your little siblings wouldn’t bother you
Cons of the Power of Invisibility

  • People can’t see that awesome outfit you wore
  • You would probably make other people sad because they can’t be as cool as you

Pros of Flight

  • Views from the top are always cooler. You’d have the best pictures.
  • You can look at birds migrating!! That’s like supa cool.
  • You can get away from any situations, like, “GOTTA BLAST!!” & then fly away all super cool.
  • You can observe situations from above and become Batman and save people
  • You can pretend to float and walk on clouds if you’re cool like that
  • You can creep out the people on planes and look in their windows or pretend you’re hanging off the wing of the plane (if you like giving people anxiety)
  • You can pretend that you’re the butterfly from Miley Cyrus’ song, and fly away... lol idk
  • You can skydive/bungee jump without the thought of something bad happening
Cons of Flight

  • You could get hit by a giant, migrating bird. Like, boom, that goose broke your nose, like Fabio...
  • You could get hit by a jet
  • You make people sad because they can’t fly like you can
  • You’d probably get tired of flying so much

        There are many pros for having the power of invisibility and being able to fly. It is really hard to choose between the two, but if I had to choose one, I’D TOTALLY CHOOSE THE POWER OF INVISIBILITY. There are so many possibilities with that one, and not many valid cons. Who wouldn’t want to go everywhere for free??? You’re probably thinking, “Wow this girl is cheap.” You are right. You could also be thinking, “Wow, she’s kinda smart.” You would be right. Hahaha!! Although flying is really cool, I would be thankful every day to be invisible for a little bit; it would be so relaxing.

Would You Rather…
know when you’re going to die OR how you’re going to die

Pros of Knowing When You’re Going to Die

  • You live your life as best as possible, within the limit
  • You could find out that you will live a long life
  • You can inspire other people to never give up on their dreams
  • You work on your dreams and try to achieve them all
Cons of Knowing When You’re Going to Die

  • You are always thinking of the day you will die
  • You wonder how it’s going to happen
  • It might not be the time you want it to be
  • You feel like you won’t do enough in the time you were given 
  • What if you do something reckless because “you’re living” and you die sooner than what you thought

Pros of Knowing How You’re Going to Die

  • You can try to prepare yourself for your death (give em hell, if it’s a bad way)
  • Idk if you can become so badass that you escape your death.... Plot twist!!!!
  • You may find that you will go peacefully, or naturally, which can put some people at ease
Cons of Knowing How You’re Going to Die

  • It might not be the way you want to die
  • You constantly think/stress about it

After much consideration, I want nothing to do with this “Would You Rather.” Death is too stressful to think about. I would rather live my life without knowing how or when I am going to die. Both choices have pros and cons that balance each other out, making it hard for me to choose. However, since we have to choose, I would rather know when I am going to die, to make sure that I can accomplish as much as possible, within my time. Maybe I will live a long life, but that is just a maybe. I still wonder if you can change your destiny if you know how you are going to die, so I’m not totally confident in my choice, but it’ll do. It would be totally badass to change your destiny, but I don’t know how God manages all of that. I trust in him, regardless.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

You Know You're Tired When...

  • You are writing an essay and you start typing the words that you hear on the t.v. in the background
  • You are listening to the teacher teach and then you black out and wake up and it's a different subject 
  • You put on your pants backwards because you don't want to turn on the light in the morning
  • You start laughing after you mispronounce a word, without really knowing you mispronounced the word until someone tells you
  • You feel your head falling forward or back while doing homework
  • You are listening to someone tell you something, but you don't remember them being there and talking to you
  • You leave your phone in the refrigerator
  • You say you're tired like 30 times every class and 10 billion times a day