Sunday, November 22, 2015

What is Thanksgiving?

From Jon at

What is Thanksgiving? 

     Thanksgiving started with the gathering of the Wampanoag Indians and English colonists to celebrate a plentiful autumn harvest. In similarity, I too believe that Thanksgiving means coming together to celebrate what we are fortunate to have, it's literally what the name says. Thanksgiving is not about going overboard to show people that you can afford to feast like queens and kings. By my lame picture above, you can see that I only added the little things, mostly because drawing that was a hassle, but also because it shows the simpler things. Thanksgiving is about family and friends and togetherness and love and cherishing the simple things that you have.

     When I'm asked what Thanksgiving means, I'll admit I go blank for the first few seconds. But when I think about it, I picture all of my family together, playing board games, eating good food, and laughing at each other's weirdness. It's like you are surrounded with the people you love and you just feel warm, happy, and grateful. And that is something I am SO grateful for, it might make me cry. I know that I am fortunate to experience this, so Thanksgiving carries a lot of meaning for me. 

     This Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for the family and friends that have supported me throughout my life so far. I'm thankful for anybody/anything who/that has ever cared for me. I'm thankful for the experiences that I've had in my life because without them, I probably wouldn't be as awesome as I am right now....I'm slightly kidding. Haha! I'm thankful for God blessing me with the life that I have, even though it is hard sometimes. These are some of the things I am thankful for, what are you thankful for?