Friday, February 6, 2015

Misconceptions About Me

Images from:

Some people think being smart comes to me easy. It's not even that I am smart, it's that I make good decisions, like paying attention in class, and studying. They think that I do my homework right away, and have time to do other things. This is why I chose the drinking picture. I don't really do these things.
My family thinks that I'm always playing on my phone or messing around with video games or something. They think I don't have a life. I get things done though. All teens are not just gamers.
Teachers think all teens do is drink or smoke stuff. I mean isn't that what they probably did when they were younger? Not all teens do these things, especially me. I don't give in to peer pressure.
And society? They think teens just get pregnant and smoke stuff, too. I chose this picture because it reminds me of the show 16 & Pregnant. I'm also around that age, so it makes us look bad. Not all teen girls revolve their lives about doing stupid things.
I don't know about you, but I think I'm a thug. I can get down, so don't even play me. ;D I think I live da thug lyfe, just saying. I may be confused, but I don't know... what do you think?
However, if I'm going to be honest, that's what I really do. I read books, because I get bored a lot. When I'm done with my homework, reading is what I do. It relaxes me, especially if I just got out of a bad situation, and I need to think about other things.
Basically, even though teens are looked at really bad, I'm not bad. I sometimes wish I'm not grouped with them.