Sunday, November 22, 2015

What is Thanksgiving?

From Jon at

What is Thanksgiving? 

     Thanksgiving started with the gathering of the Wampanoag Indians and English colonists to celebrate a plentiful autumn harvest. In similarity, I too believe that Thanksgiving means coming together to celebrate what we are fortunate to have, it's literally what the name says. Thanksgiving is not about going overboard to show people that you can afford to feast like queens and kings. By my lame picture above, you can see that I only added the little things, mostly because drawing that was a hassle, but also because it shows the simpler things. Thanksgiving is about family and friends and togetherness and love and cherishing the simple things that you have.

     When I'm asked what Thanksgiving means, I'll admit I go blank for the first few seconds. But when I think about it, I picture all of my family together, playing board games, eating good food, and laughing at each other's weirdness. It's like you are surrounded with the people you love and you just feel warm, happy, and grateful. And that is something I am SO grateful for, it might make me cry. I know that I am fortunate to experience this, so Thanksgiving carries a lot of meaning for me. 

     This Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for the family and friends that have supported me throughout my life so far. I'm thankful for anybody/anything who/that has ever cared for me. I'm thankful for the experiences that I've had in my life because without them, I probably wouldn't be as awesome as I am right now....I'm slightly kidding. Haha! I'm thankful for God blessing me with the life that I have, even though it is hard sometimes. These are some of the things I am thankful for, what are you thankful for?

Monday, April 6, 2015

Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life

Danielle Cisneros

Mom                     Dad                    Sister #1                    Sister #2                    Sister #3             

Goliath (dog)        Bugsy (dog)       Roscoe (dog)            Leah (dog)                 Mabel (dog)

Maggie (dog)       Reba (dog)


Definition: the really annoying, but lovable things in your backyard or house. I've grown up my whole life, around these. They will continue to be in my life, for as long as I live.


What I found out that I am not. I have feelings about everything, so I'm not robot, even though my face sometimes shows no emotion.

Bear hug

It's a weird one, but it's one of my words, don't laugh. I gave my first bear hug, to my cousin, who I haven't seen or talked to, in about 5 years. It surprised me when it happened.


To be honest, bread surrounds us, and it is a staple in our diet. Also, come on, bread con cajeta is the best. You should really try it, even though it might be sugary.


I can't help but not want to be caged in. I mean in college, although it's 3 years away. Haha! I want to explore new things, and join clubs, but not get super crazy. I know my limits.


A chicken is what I am not. This past year I have surprised myself and done things that I didn't think I ever had the guts to do. Also, by not being a chicken, I reconnected with old friends and it's great!


Like, who is Danielle? Danielle is someone who is still figuring her life out. A Danielle isn't always the perfect human, because we all have flaws. Don't hassle a Danielle over anything, she knows her mistakes, and how to fix them.


Death has been present since about 10 years ago. It has been occurring ever since, including this year. I don't want to get too deep, but death hurts! A lot!


My eagerness gets the best of me sometimes. I get too excited and then I get let down sometimes. It is definitely a blessing and a curse type of thing.


The endpoint is not visible to me. I don't want there to be an endpoint, if I haven't achieved all that I planned to. I don't know where my endpoint is and I never want to.


Friend is a weird word. It doesn't really have a legit-legit definition. Friends come in different forms, from pets to people. But over the past 2 years, I've been called a good friend. This really gets to me because I'm like yaasss I'm friggin awesome. Jk! Haha! But seriously, it means a lot to me that people feel that way about me. OMGosh, I'm getting teary-eyed!


Facebook is a great way to get in touch with family and old friends. Even though people say it's old, I don't care because it's how I keep in touch with my family. It's very useful, just saying.


Is gutsy a word? I hope it is, because the first time I felt gutsy was in October 2014 and it scared the poop out of me. But because I took a risk then, I find myself very pleased in April 2015. The connection is there, but it's not visible to the public.


Goliath is life in himself. The Gentle Giant is what he will always be. He was always ready to greet you with slobber and a little bit of pee (he was old, whaddya gonna do about it? ;)). He was my childhood when we first moved to Hesperia. You saw his face, and you immediately fell for him. Who can't resist a Bullmastiff? He will always rest in my heart.


Heaven is for real. Do you know how? It's real because you believe it's real. I believe Heaven is real, and there isn't anything you can do about it.


Do people have heroes still? Is it weird to say that I have a hero? My hero is my mom. I honestly don't know how she does it. I love her for that, the dealing with us part. My hero is my mom because she is amazing in every way I can imagine.


Things I find interesting are: the forgiveness of dogs, the internet, nature, people's reactions toward subjects, emotions, quiet kids, and a bit more. I'll add later.


What do you get without an imagination? Nothing. My imagination is, what I'd like to believe, carefree. I can live in my imagination; it inspires me to do better sometimes. It gives me ideas on how
I can improve situations in life. If you don't have an imagination, I hope you get one.


I dislike Jello. Like, what is the purpose of it? It's there to look pretty, or what? Jello is at that one food that looks at you like, "Fight me. I dare ya!" It disgusts me. Did I tell you how much I dislike Jello?


Janitors are greatly under-appreciated. I see them all over campus, making sure that it is decent looking. Janitors need to feel special, too. When I see a janitor, I'm going to start saying thank you for their service. Janitors are friggin awesome. Hate me for it, idc.


I've never seen a friggin kangaroo!!!! Oh my gosh. I haven't even been to a REAL zoo before. I'm 15, what the heck. ;D I'd like to see a kangaroo because face it, you haven't even lived, until you've seen a kangaroo. Everybody knows that.


"Kids have it easy." What is the age range for being a "kid?" I'd really like to know. A kid can mean many things. I'm talking baby goats man! Those are kids too. Do baby goats really have it easy? You would know, would you? Unless you have evidence, you can't really say who has it easy or not.


"What is life?" Life is a whole bunch of things, I guess. Life is what you make of it. I intend to use this advice when I feel "stuck" in a rough patch, whenever that is. Life is precious. People need to understand that.


Lies make me feel horrible, even when it's to benefit another person. Lies have extents; I know that. What's weird about lies, is that sometimes they can lead to horrible things. Lies need not go too far, because believe it or not, there are consequences.


Can I just say, uuuuggggghhhhhh!!!! Why does Mayonnaise exist? Just asking. Thinking about Mayonnaise makes my stomach hurt. I found out that it can be used for different purposes, too. Girls put in their hair to make their hair stronger! WHAAAT?!? I don't want to judge anyone, but I'm probably going to end up hurting someone's feelings. Mayonnaise smells horrible by itself, why would you want to put it in your hair?!?


TOO much money leads to greediness. Money is the fall of families, friendships, businesses, etc. Money is dangerous when used in a bad context. To have money is a blessing and a curse. If you have money, don't flaunt it in people's faces, that just makes you look like a jerk. Always use your money wisely, chances are, you'll need it in the future. I wish all adults knew that.


The greatest connection that one should have, in order to help the world be a better place. I love nature. I can relax and breathe in the fresh air. I feel like I become a better person, after I've sat among the trees and taken in all of the beauty.


A color; a fruit; a town; a county. Color: a very bright shade, usually seen as an unfavorable color. Fruit: citrus and sweet tasting; one of my favorite fruits! :) Town: Where my two oldest sisters were born. County: Where all of my extended family reside.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Misconceptions About Me

Images from:

Some people think being smart comes to me easy. It's not even that I am smart, it's that I make good decisions, like paying attention in class, and studying. They think that I do my homework right away, and have time to do other things. This is why I chose the drinking picture. I don't really do these things.
My family thinks that I'm always playing on my phone or messing around with video games or something. They think I don't have a life. I get things done though. All teens are not just gamers.
Teachers think all teens do is drink or smoke stuff. I mean isn't that what they probably did when they were younger? Not all teens do these things, especially me. I don't give in to peer pressure.
And society? They think teens just get pregnant and smoke stuff, too. I chose this picture because it reminds me of the show 16 & Pregnant. I'm also around that age, so it makes us look bad. Not all teen girls revolve their lives about doing stupid things.
I don't know about you, but I think I'm a thug. I can get down, so don't even play me. ;D I think I live da thug lyfe, just saying. I may be confused, but I don't know... what do you think?
However, if I'm going to be honest, that's what I really do. I read books, because I get bored a lot. When I'm done with my homework, reading is what I do. It relaxes me, especially if I just got out of a bad situation, and I need to think about other things.
Basically, even though teens are looked at really bad, I'm not bad. I sometimes wish I'm not grouped with them.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Bucket List

  1. Get a Masters degree in my favorite major. (Idk what it is right now.)
  2. Have a job that keeps me happy. (I want to want to go there everyday.)
  3. I want to find a torta. Haha! (Inside joke. ;D)
  4. Have a happy family. (doesn't have to be perfect)
  5. Get in touch with old friends. (The memories come back every now and then.)
  6. Make a "bed" with blankets in the back of my truck, and fall asleep under the stars.
  7. Ride an elephant. (because I'm that cool.)
  8. Have a bonfire on the beach at night.
  9. Go to all of the zoos in California and get a souvenir. (I've never been to any major zoos, except the Orange County Zoo.)
  10. Make every day count. (That's really all that matters.)
          One thing I've done that could be on my bucket list is going somewhere peaceful for a whole day and not having to worry about anything else. I go to a lake pretty often and the vibes are very relaxing, all you hear is birds chirping and woodpeckers pecking. I could fall asleep on the benches they have around the lake. I'm glad I get that opportunity every now and then.