Monday, September 16, 2013

13 Reasons Why.....

File:Mastif brazylijski g56.jpg   File:Dog, Bullmastiff - כלב, בול מאסטיף.jpg 
Photo by: Pleple2000           Photo by: Eran Finkle     
File:Treeing walker coonhound.jpg                                                                                     File:Keeshond Sibirian Husky crossbreed puppy.jpg
Photo by: Richard Bartz

Photo by: Jean

13 Reasons Why I Love My Dogs:

1) They have been with me forever.

2) They sometimes act like parents (in a protective way).

3) They all get along with me and love me no matter what.

4) Even though there are times that I don't deserve to be gotten along with, they forgive and forget.

5) They are easy to teach.( So far I've gotten my Walker hound to sit and give me his paw, and I've also gotten the same for my German Shepard/Husky girl. The other ones know how to sit too.)

6) They tolerate me, when I mess around with them.

7) When I come home, they happily greet me.

8) When I am irritated, they always lift my mood.

9) They are goofy, in their own ways, making it hard to stay mad at them.

10) They have taught me to be patient.

11) Who needs a best friend relationship with a person, when you can have one with a dog?

12) They are easier to get along with, than people.

13) They are my babies. Always and Forever!