Thursday, December 19, 2013

My Theme Song

Lovelier Than You 

Maybe one day we can go
Hand in hand down a golden road
And if I get there before you go
I'll be waitin' at the door
In the future hopefully
We'll be together, you and me
Don't you worry, baby, please
'Cause honestly
If I could rewind both the hands of time
Still I would never find a lovelier design than you
Nothing's lovelier than you, nothing's lovelier than you
Nothing's lovelier than you, nothing's lovelier than you
Maybe one day, girl, I pray
We can float off to space
Hold my hand I'll lead the way
And I won't let go and fall astray
Ain't no if, buts and maybe's
Your my baby, my lady
Don't you worry, baby, please
'Cause honestly
If I could rewind both the hands of time
Still I would never find a lovelier design than you
I'm dangerously, dangerously, dangerously in love
I love her more than I love myself and still that ain't enough
If this a dream, I don't wanna wake up
We go together like the tub and the shower head above
Not even thousands and thousands of miles could amount
For my love, I have countless sky miles that
Climb up a mountain, climb right back down and
Run across the world and jog back around her
Noun and a verb is just a sound and a word is not profound
Enough to show my urge for her smile
And shout on a curb with a loudspeaker
Till the entire town heard how I felt and I'm out
Nothing's lovelier than you, nothing's lovelier than you
Nothing's lovelier than you
Maybe one day we can go
Hand in hand down a golden road
And if I get there before you go
I'll be waitin' at the door
In the future hopefully
We'll be together, you and me
Don't you worry, baby, please
'Cause honestly
If I could rewind both the hands of time
Still I would never find a lovelier design than you

Published by
Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

     Lyrics like,"'Cause honestly...If I could rewind both the hands of time...Still I would never find a lovelier design than you" mean that there are still some "gentlemen" out there. If you think about the lyrics literally it is a man waiting for his woman because he loves her so much and will do anything for her. I chose this song because it's one of my most played songs on iTunes and it makes me feel better about myself. It has a meaning that is not really explainable but that he really loves this girl and he wants her to be happy with him. Lyrics like, "Ain't no if, buts and maybe's...You're my baby, my lady...Don't you worry, baby, please", make me feel all bubbly inside because when I read it, I know that some guys are going to wait for their "girl" and it's cute to know that. I feel like it would be a good theme song for me because it motivates me to feel better, that there is someone out there that will, "For my love, I have countless sky miles that...Climb up a mountain, climb right back down and...Run across the world and jog back around her" for me. It's just all around cute.

Monday, October 21, 2013

My Anti-Bucket List

My Anti-Bucket List

          I was never aware of the anti-bucket list. I guess it's what you would never do in your lifetime. I've come up with a bit of ideas that popped up into my head and decided to write them down. All of these bullets have a good reason as to why they are on here. Some may be explained, but others are not. For example, I hate ranch because once, I was eating a chicken tender, and I set it down on my plate and my sister was messing with me and she dipped it in ranch and not paying attention, I ate it and started choking on it....Sooo yeah, I hate ranch, and my sister. So, here are a couple of things on my mind, I guess it would go something like this...
  • I will NEVER go cliff diving! NEVER EVER! ( I barely learned how to dive in the deep end of a pool like over the summer! Sad right?)
  • I will NEVER go to a soccer game. I feel like it is too boring, like, "Yay! Good job you scored a goal, now what?" It sounds rude but that's how I feel.
  • I will NEVER eat a hamburger, even if I'm starving and almost dead. I just can't, I feel like I'm eating a cow that's still alive, and it's all greasy like Eww!
  • I will NEVER eat large farm animals or anything partially made from them, unless I don't know they're there, because I have large farm animals and I feel like I'm eating them. And because I had pet goats that I named with my sisters, and one day, my dad's friends came over,picked one, and killed MY GOAT, which was a girl, in my backyard, with blood everywhere including on them, and I am scarred forever. It's like OMG NO! I can't.
  • I will NEVER swim in the ocean. Sharks duhhh. Would you really risk the chances of being mauled? I know I wouldn't. And have you seen National Geographic, think about how many people have died that they know about, and then think about all of the people they don't know about.
  • I will NEVER stop watching Swamp People. It's like my favorite show ever and I can't live without it. When it comes back on, you can catch me on the History channel every Thursday at 7:00. And it's like tradition with my dad since it started.
  • I will NEVER drink from someone else's cup, OR let someone drink from my cup. It's kinda like I don't need no weird diseases from anybody.
  • I will NEVER leave my animals by themselves for a long time. Not even for a day, I can't stand the fact that they are by themselves. And I've watched too much Pit Bulls and Parolees and Pit Boss to know to treat my animals way better and never take them for granted.
  • I will NEVER let someone judge another person without being told anything. Especially if I know the person they're judging, ooooohhhhh you better believe that I will have something to say to you.
  • I will NEVER fake feelings for something. If I like you, I like you. If I don't , I don't. Same for relationships. I've seen too many animals and people that have thought that they are cared about but really aren't, it's messed up.
  • I will NEVER let someone use me. I'm not the answer key to any tests okay? Sooo......stop asking me what the answers are and figure it out for yourself.
  • I will NEVER stop being myself. I'm not gonna change for you unless you make changes for me. UNLESS it will make me a better person, then there is an exception.
  • I will NEVER eat ranch. It tastes so weird, I can't even explain it. Not on pizza, carrots, or salad....I prefer my salad plaaaaaiiin. Cause I'm a Plain Jane.
  • I will NEVER stop believing in myself. I can achieve greatness if I want, when I want. So don't try bringing me down, it's not going to happen.
  • I will NEVER not have the last word in a conversation. I just have to and you're going to have to deal. I'm a little stubborn (if you can't tell).

Monday, September 16, 2013

13 Reasons Why.....

File:Mastif brazylijski g56.jpg   File:Dog, Bullmastiff - כלב, בול מאסטיף.jpg 
Photo by: Pleple2000           Photo by: Eran Finkle     
File:Treeing walker coonhound.jpg                                                                                     File:Keeshond Sibirian Husky crossbreed puppy.jpg
Photo by: Richard Bartz

Photo by: Jean

13 Reasons Why I Love My Dogs:

1) They have been with me forever.

2) They sometimes act like parents (in a protective way).

3) They all get along with me and love me no matter what.

4) Even though there are times that I don't deserve to be gotten along with, they forgive and forget.

5) They are easy to teach.( So far I've gotten my Walker hound to sit and give me his paw, and I've also gotten the same for my German Shepard/Husky girl. The other ones know how to sit too.)

6) They tolerate me, when I mess around with them.

7) When I come home, they happily greet me.

8) When I am irritated, they always lift my mood.

9) They are goofy, in their own ways, making it hard to stay mad at them.

10) They have taught me to be patient.

11) Who needs a best friend relationship with a person, when you can have one with a dog?

12) They are easier to get along with, than people.

13) They are my babies. Always and Forever! 

Friday, August 30, 2013

6 Word Memoir

Animal Lover that has four dogs.

Jack In The Box, my fave.

Bread Con Cajeta has my heart. :D

Don't Back Down you are brave!

My Family, the most important people.

Four Year College, I'll be there!